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  • SMS 1.6 revision 4


    EEUG a fait les modifications suivantes sur les dernières versions de SMS:


    Update (21-FEB-2006)


    - an attempt to fix "can't browse folders" bug;

    (thanks to everybody involved in this discovery);

    - an attempt to fix "files on USB device are not selectable" bug;

    - added possibility to decrease screen height in "display settings" ->

    "advanced settings" menu (thanks to "Voldemar_u2" for suggestion);


    Update (22-FEB-2006)


    - fixed "Display subtitles" checkmark issue in player menu;

    - fixed error reporting issue (too long messages leave onscreen artefacts);

    - changed IOP reset routine (thanks to "dlanor" for the research/note);

    - disabled internal queue locks by removing -DLOCK_QUEUES macro from the

    Makefile (it appears that queue locks are not needed since threads are

    non-preemptive anyway);


    Update (23-FEB-2006)


    - changed loader code in attempt to fix "hangings" upon exit to

    user defined aplication;


    Update (03-MAR-2006)


    - fixed incorrect subtitle position for multiline subtitles (thanks to

    "Voldemar_u2" for the note);

    - sound made louder a bit (SPU2 volume values are adjusted);

    - changed character indentation;

    - added separate management for image offsets in different video modes

    (thanks to "Mr. Worm~~" and "Voldemar_u2" for the suggestion);

    - added sound effects to the browser (for errors, usb/host mount/unmount

    and file/folder actions) - rather silly, just for demonstration of some

    SPU2 ADPCM decoding features;

    - fixed a "crash" issue with some mp3 files (thanks to "sigmar" for the




    Télécharger SMS 1.6 rev4 sur le site de EEUG



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