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  • GCoS Teaser 3 !


    Emu_Kidid le seul programmeur restant de l'équipe GCoS a sorti le teaser n°3 , qui sera apparemment le dernier avant un bon moment, dû à un manque de temps. Néanmoins les sources sont maintenant disponibles, ce qui peut laisser espérer la reprise du développement ../forums/images/smilies/sourire.gif


    post complet:


    "Whatsnew in the Teaser Version :


    DVD+R reading

    Reading sectors in 2048 byte intervals (possibly 5mins faster ripping time)

    MP3 Player

    IPL Fonts

    Zlib is in there, but doing nothing

    Dol Loading from DVD

    Full No swap drive 04,06,08,Q support

    Saving of region preferences

    Network Settings applied on the fly

    Dol uploading fixed yet again!

    DVD Reset from tools menu




    Yes, it's Teaser 3, half assed I might add as time has run out, and I've got to leave GCoS on the back burner for a while as exams have hit hard. Hope someone can continue it in the near future, I'm pretty much done with it for a while. (hehe, i was never the drivecode person, so there's the reason why there's no multigame and audiofix yet - the code is in there though, just needs drivecode fixes/updates). As promised, all sources released.




    Plays imports and originals and backups from every region.

    Backup Games using your BBA and any Internet Browser.

    Upload and execute .dol and .elf using netcat (port 4000)

    Listen to MP3's

    Run homebrew code from DVD.


    Known Bugs:


    Video is screwed up for some, quick fix, load it over another GCoS.

    Fonts are not located properly, no time lately to bother with the little things.




    Bug identifying and fixing currently. Trying to make it work for

    everyone is a pain, but worth it.


    Compile Notes:


    (The T3 src is too big to be in one post, it's in the next one).

    As promised, all the teaser sources. Including this one.


    If you're going to build this src for a IPL, change the CFLAG -DPSO to -DMOD. Also, to boot on a modchip, use "makeipl.bat" after building with the CFLAG set to -DMOD. It will create GCOS.GCB, bootable on qoob and possibly ninjamod. Also, if you build for Qoob, you must set ipl_set_configqoob(6); in main.c and comment out ipl_set_config(6); which is for the older tmbinc/ninjamod/viper/ripper mods.


    To build for PSO, Maxdrive and AR, and SDload, run, Build(PSOMAXDRIVEAR).bat after having set the CFLAG to -DPSO. Take GCOS_PSO.dol and that is your file to run.

    Currently the source is setup to be built for a no-modchip pso setup.

    This hasn't been tested under compression methods so I'm unsure if it will work."


    les sources sont disponibles dans son post original sur

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