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  • Dualis v12


    L'émulateur NintendoDS a été mis à jour avec beaucoup de nouveautés , voici le changelog:


    CPU: Fixed the Div SWI number (6 -> 9)

    CPU: Added BLX (both variants)

    GPU: Fixed Y-clipping for rotoscaled OBJs


    GPU: Fixed a bug introduced in the last release where the wrong palette would be used for OBJs when uding the GDI renderer

    GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where shift amounts would be missing

    GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where the wrong condition code would be shown

    GUI: Added the ability to alter the CPU registers through the disassembler (click on a register in the register list)

    GUI: Alt+F4 commands to the video output window are now promoted to the main window

    GUI: The short lag between pressing Esc and the emulator actually shutting down should now be gone

    GUI: Added AVI recording through VFW

    GUI: Added the ability to take screenshots (24-bit BMP only)


    L'émulateur ainsi que ses sources sont disponibles ici


    source -

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