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  • XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 25-07-2006 CVS T3CH build


    T3CH a sorti une nouvelle compilation du CVS de XboxMediaCenter.

    Cette compil' par T3CH regroupe tout ce qui était dans le CVS à ce moment avec juste quelques petits ajouts.

    XBMC est en mode FEATUREFREEZE (en attendant la version stable 2.0) pour le moment.


    Changements intéressants à noter sur les scripts et XMLs:

    * changed: Moved the paplayer chain to fully use floating point (speedup and possible quality boosts)

    * changed: cleanup and simplification of renderer and field rendering.

    * changed: improved the profiles support somewhat. xbmc is now fully multiuser capable.

    * added: 'go to root' in context menu of media windows.


    Voici les ajouts et changements depuis la version de T3CH datant du 16-07-2006:

    * changed: Moved the paplayer chain to fully use floating point (speedup and possible quality boosts)

    * changed: cleanup and simplification of renderer and field rendering.

    combined async rendering of dvdplayer and mplayer

    changed texture memory to not be write combined, allows fast reads

    * changed: stacking of files was case sensitive on filenames before, now it's case insensitive

    * changed: made seamless stacking quicker to startup with mplayer by not initing codecs or audio/video outputs and disabled caching of subtitles

    * changed: removed DCHP IP from SystemInfo, and some other little changes

    * changed: improved the profiles support somewhat. xbmc is now fully multiuser capable. thanks to bpairs, jezz_x, chokeman and smokehead for skin work. known issue: webserver sometimes misbehaves on login/logout.

    * added: 'go to root' in context menu of media windows.

    * added: option to hide 'all' items in library views.

    ... reste des modifications/corrections: cliquer ici


    Vous pouvez télécharger XBMC à l'adresse ftp suivante:


    Login: xbins

    Mot de passe: homebrew

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