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  • XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 2005-10-30 CVS build


    Il va encore falloir mettre à jour vos xbox! Une nouvelle compilation du CVS de XBMC est disponible grâce à T3CH. Au menu depuis la dernière version: ../forums/images/smilies/sourire.gif


    * added: [ 1336095 ] new playselected(position) python function, plays a certain item from the current playlist, thanks to nicko2k.

    * added: Paths to $homedir´s default screenshot folder in My Pictures and $homedir´s default path to recordings (Shoutcast rips) in xboxmediacenter.xml.

    * added: if videos are stacked, imdb query will look for "stackedname.nfo" for url

    * added: progress dialog when openning a multipath bookmark (only supported by music)

    * added: Basic support for radio including trackinfo and albumcovers, place the lastfm:// url in a .strm file to play. No love/ban. Skip works but not very nicely. There is an option in general audio settings to en/disable submitting tracks to your profile. Note that you must have entered your audioscrobbler/ username/password to play radio.

    * added: you can now choose which 60hz modes you want to use with the game region overrider.

    * added: pal 60 support to game region overrider.

    * added: better testing of dvd urls (D:, iso9660://, udf://) in GetMatchingShare

    * updated: German, Spanish, Italian, German (Austrian), Norwegian language file

    * updated/rewrote: itunes DAAP client to not use global buffering, but actually stream the file to player. XDAAP updated to libopendaap 0.4.0.

    * changed: show current bitrate for vbr mp3 instead of average bitrate. (needs new MadCodec.dll, also works with renamed in_mp3.dll)

    * changed: reorganized the program settings a little.

    * fixed: [1341077] English language string had a invalid closing tag (Thnx to blittan)

    * fixed: filerar will now fail immediately if it tries to cache files bigger than 2 gig (since fat-x can't handle it anyway).

    * fixed: display of squares and/or dots for track albumname and crashes sometimes when there was no albumtag in the file.

    * fixed: occasional crash between songs when codec info is displayed

    * fixed: no bitrate information for streams

    * fixed: possible thread synchronisation problems in python

    * fixed: possible crash at exit of xbmc because of deadlocks in filezilla

    * fixed: SITE runxbe in ftp server

    * fixed: auto game region would lead to an infinite reboot-loop on ntsc systems

    * fixed: Slideshow-screensaver start when video is paused cause hang (1313900) [GeminiServer]

    * fixed: auto game region now works everywhere again.

    * fixed: DAAP directories wasn't displaying local characters like å,ä,ö,û... correctly

    * fixed: GetMatchingShare failing due to forward slash & backslash incompatibility

    * fixed: erroneous error messages being reported in log

    "ERROR CUtil::GetMatchingShare... no matching bookmark found for [/]"

    "ERROR CVirtualDirectory::GetDirectory() matches no valid bookmark, getting root bookmark list instead"


    source - xbox-scene

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