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  • XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 12-02-2006 CVS T3CH build


    Une nouvelle version du meilleur lecteur multimedia (^_^) par T3CH avec son lot d'ajouts et de fix habituels ../forums/images/smilies/sourire.gif


    * added: you can now jump directly to the saved playlists locations using the following commands:

    Music: Xbmc.ActivateWindow(MyMusicFiles,$Playlists)

    Video: Xbmc.ActivateWindow(MyVideos,$Playlists)

    * added: videoplayer.playlistlength and videoplayer.playlistposition to info manager to match the musicplayer info items

    * added: my files, settings, xlink kai to startup window settings to match xboxmediacenter.xml

    * added: display a/v sync in codecinfo during playback in dvdplayer + some new code to prepare for a new syncing system.

    * added: IP Address button from the normal virtual keyboard to link to the IP address input dialog.

    * added: display cpu usage for audio/video/player thread in dvdplayer.

    * added: New LCD info labels thanks to Jeff McClain.


    le reste des changements est disponible ici


    Vous pouvez télécharger XBMC à l'adresse ftp suivante:


    Login: xbins

    Mot de passe: homebrew

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