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  • XboxMediaCenter (XBMC) 05-12-2005 CVS T3CH build


    Nouvelle compilation du cvs de Xbox Media Center par T3CH, voilà le changelog complet:


    - 05-12-2005 fixed: saving playlists

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: memory leaks in video renderers

    - 04-12-2005 added: critical section tracking for dlls (should fix some small memory leaks)

    - 04-12-2005 added: dvdplayer initial ff/rw support in dvdplayer. only available in debug builds.

    - 04-12-2005 changed: cleanup of dvdplayer audio/video rendering with added support for dropping frames in decoder.

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: dvdplayer memory leak in libdvdnav

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: '/' is not allowed in passwords in samba shares

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1335817 ] Stacking isn't working when CD is autoplayed

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1371200 ] Video Info - cast - page up/down broken in 16x9.

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1295019 ] Wrong play/pause icon displayed in menu (videoOSD) during fast forward. - Check musicOSD's as well.

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1265343 ] Show FreeMem Display Not Visible in 1080i

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1364937 ] Webserver crashes on "TakeScreenShot" action

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1280366 ] keyboard.isConfirmed() not working properly. CGUIDialogKeyboard::IsDirty() changed to IsConfirmed() - returns true if done is pressed.

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1276227 ] PrintScreen on keyboard wasn't working (incorrect key value)

    - 04-12-2005 fixed: [ 1329312 ] Wrong Background in HomeScreen after playing Music/Videos in PM3.

    - 04-12-2005 added: Improved sorting routine speed throughout.

    - 04-12-2005 added: manual browse for subtitle.

    - 03-12-2005 fixed: after last samba modification, dates did not display correctly anymore.

    - 03-12-2005 changed: set artist thumb in my music library view now lets you choose a .jpg/.tbn with the filebrowser instead of letting you assign a album thumb to the artist.

    - 03-12-2005 fixed: better manual directory handling when ripping cds without cddb.

    - 02-12-2005 added: playlists can be queued in library view

    - 02-12-2005 changed: IMDB downloaded thumbs will now show up for all files in stack when unstacked.

    - 02-12-2005 changed: samba strips of all '/' at the end of a path (hopefully it fixed the samba error success message)

    - 02-12-2005 changed: Made stick + trigger reading independent (fixes small issues with sticks being offcenter intefering with the triggers)

    - 02-12-2005 added: Bitrate tag to http command getCurrentlyPlaying.

    - 02-12-2005 fixed: Added further DVD layer change hacks.

    - 01-12-2005 fixed: IMDB downloaded thumbs for stacked titles

    - 01-12-2005 fixed: .tbn thumbnails for stacked titles based on the first stacked filename

    - 01-12-2005 fixed: .nfo files for stacked titles based on the first stacked filename

    - 01-12-2005 added: File Browser Dialog - requires skinning

    - 01-12-2005 fixed: Path history was incorrect for media windows started with XBMC.ActivateWindow(window,path)

    - 01-12-2005 fixed: Memory leak in multicoloured text rendering (edit, rss controls)

    - 30-11-2005 fixed: [ 1330862 ] Bookmarks OSD Window does not disappear on video end.

    - 30-11-2005 fixed: Notifications cause stack overflow if the stack dialog is on screen and left or right is pressed.

    - 29-11-2005 updated: German language file

    - 29-11-2005 updated: German (Austrian) language file (Thnx to CEOMR)

    - 29-11-2005 updated: Norwegian language file (Thnx to vnm)

    - 29-11-2005 updated: French language file (Thnx to modhack)

    - 29-11-2005 updated: Dutch language file (Thnx to tijmengozer)

    - 29-11-2005 fixed: file sizes were missing in my videos.

    - 28-11-2005 fixed: Stacked .nfo file paths were incorrect.

    - 28-11-2005 added: Workaround for ReadFile() returning incorrect data at the DVD layer change - requires special version of libdvdcss-2.dll (rename from libdvdcss-2.dll_layerchangehack).

    - 28-11-2005 fixed: Notifications were only showing if Kai was enabled.

    - 28-11-2005 fixed: Shuffle in Slideshow screensaver was disregarded.

    - 28-11-2005 added: Support for comma's in stacked file names.

    - 28-11-2005 fixed: same navigational bug in my pictures.

    - 28-11-2005 fixed: small navigational bug in my videos.


    Vous pouvez télécharger XBMC à l'adresse ftp suivante:


    Login: xbins

    Mot de passe: homebrew


    source - xbox-scene

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